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1st Jun 2022 by Travis Mitchell
Episode 46: Two weeks ago we had Nikki on from The Small Business Academy offering her free online course. Many of you took up the offer. This week we discuss further freeing up time to work on your business.
We hate business buzz words but the one thing we stick by is "The Less You Are In The Business, The More You Can Work On The Business". Are you so busy on the tools you can't even focus? Is there technology you can put in place to automate longwinded admin tasks? MOT Manager was designed to take garages away from letter MOT reminders to text messaging. Letters were dated, expensive, and time-consuming. Can your expenses and invoices be made digital? Take up the opportunity to have free demonstrations with tech companies.
It all starts with investing your time. One to two hours per week and gradually increase this over the months. Write a long-awaited to-do list of things you would like to add/change in the business. It massively helps with your end goal.
Save time. It's so simple. Get started today.